Clomid Adam Labs 25 mg/tab, 100 tab, ( Clomid Adam)

Clomid Adam Labs 25 mg/tab, 100 tab, ( Clomid Adam)




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The passage of any course of anabolic steroids invariably leads to a sharp reduction in the body's production of natural testosterone. To restore the disturbed state, you need to buy Clomid with and, having carefully studied the instructions, conduct post-cycle therapy. The drug, created on the basis of clomiphene citrate and also distributed under other brand names, blocks estrogen receptors at the cellular level without suppressing the body's production of estrogens. (Faced with Novaldex or Proviron, you should know that we are talking about a drug with the same active ingredient).

What is achieved by taking clomid adam labs

By purchasing Clomid Adam Labs, the price of which is quite high, athletes seek to simultaneously solve several problems associated with post-cycle therapy after the use of anabolic steroids. Timely use of Clomid allows:

  • actively influence the process of synthesis of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. Thanks to this, in a short time, the body successfully resumes the production of natural testosterone at a sufficient level,
  • restore libido and increase the level of spermatogenesis,
  • prevent the activation of the hormone cortisol, thus preventing the development of catabolic processes.This allows you to save the muscles gained during the course of anabolic steroids and avoid the recoil that eats up muscle mass,
  • selectively block estrogen receptors without disturbing the normal functioning of the body,
  • achieve a fat-burning and muscle-drying effect, which is noted by many athletes.

Clomid Adam Labs: how to take during post-cycle therapy

Recommendations regarding the start of taking the drug for post-cycle therapy are reduced to the immediacy of action in order to prevent the detrimental effect of the hormone cortisol on the activation of catabolic processes that rapidly destroy the muscle mass obtained by considerable effort. At the same time, do not forget about the half-lives of anabolic steroids taken. A steroid calculator can come to the rescue. Although it is better, of course, to use the services of an intelligent sports doctor.

When determining the dosage, they are guided by how difficult the course was. In the course of post-cycle therapy, the main thing is to reach the required level of natural testosterone production, and well-being can be neglected for a while. The universal recommendation is to take Clomid in the following doses:

  • for the first week – 100 mg daily,
  • for the second – the fourth – 50 mg per day.

If the course of anabolic steroids was simple, then the dosage can be halved. Experienced athletes allow themselves to raise the daily dose to 150 mg in a five-week course.

It seems reasonable to combine Clomid with Gonadotropin during post-course therapy. There are recommendations regarding the use of Clomid with Proviron, as enhancing the effect of the drug.

Taking Clomid Adam Labs, follow these tips:

  • swallow the tablet immediately with plenty of water
  • respect the appointment time
  • in order not to reduce the effectiveness of the drug, refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages.

Taking Clomid by women can lead to disruption of hormonal processes. Subject to the instructions and recommendations of a sports doctor in the pre-competition period, athletes successfully use Clomid to reduce adipose tissue reserves.

Possible negative effects of taking Clomid Adam Labs

Taking clomiphene citrate allows you to mitigate the negative consequences that occur for the body after stopping the course of anabolic steroids in relation to the hormonal background and psychological state. Clomid allows you to almost painlessly make the transition to a regimen associated with the cessation of anabolic steroids. Painful manifestations are observed extremely rarely, however, the appearance of:

  • headaches,

  • dizziness,

  • temporary blurred vision

  • bouts of nausea,

  • flushes of heat.

Negative manifestations are of a short-term nature and should not lead to interruption of post-cycle therapy.


Author: Alexander Tykhy

Expert in the application of sports pharmacology in bodybuilding. The trainer is a nutritionist. Author of articles on the use of steroids.

From the author:

I am for a reasonable and scientific approach to the use of steroids in sports.

I have 15 years of personal, practical, experience in the use of anabolic steroids.

Since 2014, my main activity has been individual consultations and the full conduct of AAS courses.

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