Enandrol Balkan Pharmaceuticals 250 mg/ml, 10 ampoules, (Enandrol Enanthate Balkan)

Enandrol Balkan Pharmaceuticals 250 mg/ml, 10 ampoules, (Enandrol Enanthate Balkan)




Buy Testosterone Enanthate from Balkan Pharmaceuticals

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You can read the full description of the active ingredient, find out prices and buy Testosterone enanthate from other manufacturers by going to the category "testosterone enanthate"

Enandrol (Testosterone enanthate Balkan) is one of the testosterone esters. Bodybuilders consider it one of the most effective means for gaining muscle mass, so the drug has taken its place among the popular steroids. Enandrol has a long period of action, depending on the individual performance of the athlete, including metabolism, hormonal levels. On average, the drug lasts from 2 to 3 weeks. The half-life is 6 to 7 days. Since the drug has a long period of exposure, too frequent injections are inappropriate. So, many bodybuilders, weightlifters, wrestlers inject Enandrol once or twice a week to maintain a more or less high and stable concentration of the drug in the body.

enandrol effect

As already mentioned, the drug is very popular in different countries of the world. Many athletes do not hesitate to give preference to Testosterone Enanthate.

Why Buy Enandrol

The first, and perhaps most important, is a set of muscle mass, and mass growth depends on the dosage of the drug taken.Also, an equally important effect is pumping and an increase in strength indicators, for which, in fact, powerlifters and weightlifters fell in love with him. In addition to the anabolic effect, the drug has a large androgenic coefficient. The fact that muscle mass is gained quite quickly is associated with the accumulation of fluid in the body, which occurs due to sodium retention as well as the estrogenic effect of the drug. After stopping the use of Enanthate from the Balkans, you may experience a noticeable rollback of the gained mass.

In powerlifting, Sustanon and Testosterone enanthate are most commonly used.

In addition to muscle fiber growth and strength gains, Testosterone Enanthate from Balkan Pharma effectively eliminates joint pain. Since the drug contributes to fluid retention in the body, it helps to increase the amount of joint lubrication.

Enandrol also speeds up the recovery processes of the body, is an excellent tool for the prevention of overtraining, helps to improve the supply of oxygen to the muscles.

Course of Enandrol

The visible anabolic effect of the use of testosterone enanthate depends entirely on the dosage you are taking. The optimal dosage is approximately 250 to 500 mg per week, however, with increasing weight, the dosage of the drug most often increases. Injections are given once or twice a week, most often in the buttocks.

The duration of the course is usually from 8 to 10 weeks, and after 2-3 weeks, post-cycle therapy can be carried out. It often happens that Enanthate is used for longer periods.

In order to avoid side effects associated with exposure to estrogen, you need to use Proviron or aromatase inhibitors from the second or third week.You need to stop taking inhibitors a week after the end of the course. The best options would be to conduct tests to determine the level of estradiol before taking aromatase inhibitors and during the period of use for the purpose of control.

In case the dosage exceeds 250 mg, and the duration of the course is more than eight weeks, gonadotropin should be used.

In addition, cortisol blockers can be used as a PCT after the end of the course in order to avoid the rollback effect and preserve the results obtained during the course as much as possible. Plus, do not forget about nutrition: the food you take should be high in calories, contain a lot of protein. You can take special sports nutrition.

What combinations are best to use and how to use them?

In order to quickly gain a large amount of muscle mass, you can take the following combinations:

Enandrol + Anapolon,

Enandrol + Methandrostenolone,

Enandrol + Nandrolone,

Dough Enanthate (Enandrol) + Trenbolone.

Dosage examples:

Testosterone Enanthate from Balkan – 250 mg per week + Nandrolone – (200 mg per week).

Be sure to use antiestrogen and gonadotropin.

To dry out, use Anavar or Winstrol in small amounts.

The most common side effects:

When using Testosterone Enanthate, the biggest problem is the strong tendency of the drug to aromatize.

The consequences of taking the drug are often:

  • Aromatization,
  • Various edema
  • The growth of adipose tissue according to the type of female,
  • Inhibition of the axis "hypothalamus – pituitary gland – testicles".

Some time ago, these problems could be solved by taking antiestrogens.Today, in order to keep the level of estradiols under control, aromatase inhibitors are most often used. After the course, antiestrogens are already taken, primarily in order to restore the normal level of production of their own testosterone.

Like any other steroid, it depresses the hypothalamus-pituitary-testicles axis, resulting in a decrease in endogenous testosterone production.

Let's quote the instruction "Ienafarm": "Testosterone Depot with prolonged use of large doses can cause side effects, manifested in a decrease in spermatogenesis in the testicles, and, subsequently, in a decrease in their volumetric value.

That is why during long cycles or when using high dosages, it is necessary to connect gonadotropin from 3-4 weeks, and finish its use 2-3 weeks after the end of the cycle.

Other side effects that Testosterone Enanthate may cause:

  • Hypertension,
  • acne,
  • hair loss
  • Aggression

It should be noted that this drug is not for women. Due to the fact that Enandrol has a large androgenic index, there is a huge risk of getting a lot of side effects associated with the androgenicity of the drug:

  • Masculinization
  • Increasing body hair growth
  • Decreasing the timbre of the voice
  • Hypertrophy of the clitoris, etc.

Order Enandrol from the Balkans

You can buy the drug Вs in our online store. What gives us advantages over other online stores of sports pharmacology? First, it is the competence of our employees.Many of our employees are not only theoretically aware of the effects of a particular drug on the human body, but they themselves have used this or that drug more than once, tested the effectiveness of a particular steroid course on themselves, and selected combinations for themselves. Therefore, if you have any questions, we, relying on theoretical knowledge and our own experience, will be able to answer it.

Secondly, here you will find the most optimal price-quality ratio. We work directly with suppliers, which kills two birds with one stone: we guarantee the quality of products that are in our range, and the minimum margin, since the drugs come to us directly, without intermediaries. One way or another, the price of Balkan Testosterone Enanthate will please you.



Author: Alexander Tykhy

Expert in the application of sports pharmacology in bodybuilding. The trainer is a nutritionist. Author of articles on the use of steroids.

From the author:

I am for a reasonable and scientific approach to the use of steroids in sports.

I have 15 years of personal, practical, experience in the use of anabolic steroids.

Since 2014, my main activity has been individual consultations and the full conduct of AAS courses.

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