GD Strombaged 50mg GD (Golden Dragon) 50 mg/ml, 10 ml (vial), (GD Strombaged 50mg Winstrol Golden Dragon)

GD Strombaged 50mg GD (Golden Dragon) 50 mg/ml, 10 ml (vial), (GD Strombaged 50mg Winstrol Golden Dragon)




Buy Winstrol depot from GD (Golden Dragon)

We offer you to buy high-quality and original GD Strombaged 50mg GD (Golden Dragon) 50 mg/ml at a good price in the Pharma UA online steroid store. The drug is protected from fakes by the presence of a verification code. Fast sending across Ukraine. Order today, before 15-00 and the goods will be delivered to you on the next business day.

You can read the full description of the active substance, find out prices and buy Winstrol from other manufacturers by going to the Winstrol category.

strombaged or sold under a different name Winstrol Golden Dragon, is produced by the well-known Hong Kong pharmaceutical company Golden Dragon. This drug is one of the most popular and favorite steroids among athletes of sports disciplines: bodybuilding, powerlifting, martial arts, weightlifting. The popularity of the drug gives its effective properties: high anabolic activity (320%) and moderately low androgenic (30%). Initially, the drug was produced exclusively for medical purposes: stimulating blood circulation, strengthening bones and joints, and increasing appetite.

Winstrol Golden Dragon is available in the form of injections, the active substance of the chemical formula is stanozolol. Thanks to the action of the drug, athletes manage to significantly add muscle mass, increase the strength potential and endurance of the body. Most often, Winstrol Golden Dragon is taken during the "drying" period and before the competition.With it, you can get rid of the fat layer, make the muscles dry and firm with a beautiful drawing of venousness.

The price of Winstrol Golden Dragon is slightly overpriced by many distributors, we recommend that you look through our online catalog of sports pharmacology, which presents high-quality and original steroid drugs at an affordable cost.

What properties are inherent in Golden Dragon Strombaged:

Positive effects that athletes should expect during the passage of steroid therapy based on the drug Winstrol Golden Dragon:

  • significant muscle growth
  • increase in strength indicators,
  • increased libido during the course,
  • improved appetite,
  • beautiful relief, drying muscles,
  • fat burning effect
  • does not retain fluid in the body.

The reviews left about Winstrol Golden Dragon by many professional athletes confirm the rationality and effectiveness of the course with this steroid. During therapy, the general tone of the body increases, immunity is strengthened, it is easier and faster to recover from exhausting workouts and loads.

Are there side effects from taking this drug?

Winstrol Golden Dragon is an easy and safe steroid drug. Adverse reactions are more likely to be associated with incorrectly formulated or intentionally exceeding dosages. In this case, undesirable side effects await the athlete in the form of androgenic reactions: acne, baldness or excessive body hair growth, high blood pressure, inhibition of the production of one's own testosterone. With the abuse of high doses, the risk of myocardial hypertrophy increases.It is possible to raise the level of bad cholesterol, which can be eliminated by taking Omega-3 or Atorvastatin. At the end of the course, it is necessary to undergo PCT therapy to restore hormonal levels using Clomid and a complex with vitamins and proteins. The PCT course lasts two weeks.

Features of receiving Product_Strombaged inj

The course of Winstrol Golden Dragon for bodybuilders and siloviki consists of 50-100 mg every other day. In those sports where the main advantage is aimed at endurance, you should adhere to the minimum dosages of 30-50 mg – this is the working dose for boxers, athletes. The standard course should not exceed 5-8 weeks.

If you want to exaggerate the result, additional steroid drugs Testosterone, Turinabol, Trenbolone, Methane, Primobolan are connected to Winstrol Golden Dragon. Each combined course implies certain goals: a set of high-quality muscles, removal of body fat, drying muscles, increasing endurance and strength indicators. A doctor or trainer will advise athletes on how to take Winstrol Golden Dragon based on physical indicators: weight, age, anabolic use experience and set sports goals.


Frequently Asked Questions about Winstrol (GD Strombaged) by Golden Dragon Where is the best price for Winstrol (Golden Dragon)?

In our steroid store you can buy Winstrol produced by Golden Dragon for 6 USD. All prices are presented at the current exchange rate in UAH.

Where to buy original GD Strombaged (Golden Dragon) in Ukraine?

You can buy the original HD Strombaged from Golden Dragon in our Pharma SA store.We sell only original drugs from trusted manufacturers, which can be checked for authenticity using a special code on the manufacturers' websites.

Is it possible to buy Strombaged (Golden Dragon) cash on delivery / without prepayment

Yes, you can place an order for Strombaged Golden Dragon cash on delivery with payment on delivery. But we will ask you to make an advance payment of 200 UAH as a guarantee that you will pick up your order.

How to order Strombaged (Golden Dragon) with delivery in Ukraine?

You can place an order for Strombaged Golden Dragon, with delivery in Ukraine, to any city where there are branches of Nova Poshta. When placing an order, in the shopping cart, in the city field, start typing the first letters of your locality and the system will automatically substitute the city, select the number of the NP branch, and click place an order. Finished, the order went to work.

Author: Alexander Tykhy

Expert in the application of sports pharmacology in bodybuilding. The trainer is a nutritionist. Author of articles on the use of steroids.

From the author:

I am for a reasonable and scientific approach to the use of steroids in sports.

I have 15 years of personal, practical, experience in the use of anabolic steroids.

Since 2014, my main activity has been individual consultations and the full conduct of AAS courses.

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