Pharmacom labs , , (Pharma Tren A Acetate Farmakom)

Pharmacom labs , , (Pharma Tren A Acetate Farmakom)




Buy Trenbolone Acetate from Pharmacom labs

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Trenbolone acetate, you can buy drugs from other manufacturers and get acquainted with the prices by going to the category "trenbolone acetate"

Among all the ester compounds of Trenbolone, acetate is the most popular.

This substance has a short half-life and this fact, in turn, has a certain effect on the properties of the steroid.

As you already understood, Pharma Tren A 100 is based on this substance. With it, you can significantly increase strength, get excellent quality muscle mass, and also get rid of fat. Don't think tren acetate is overpriced. It is enough to conduct only one course with the participation of this anabolic to be convinced of the opposite.

Properties and effects of PharmaTren A – Trenbolone Acetate Farmakom

Like all drugs based on Trenbolone, PharmaTren a 100, reviews of which are strictly positive, has powerful anabolic and strong androgenic properties. In fact, among all the AAS most in demand on the market, it is the most powerful. Since its half-life is low, progestogen activity is not so active. However, more about the side effects below.

Most often, bodybuilders decide to buy this anabolic during the drying period or to gain quality mass. In addition to these two tasks, the steroid allows you to solve another one – to improve the constitution of the body.Scientists who have conducted numerous studies of the drug speak of its ability to significantly accelerate the production of insulin-like growth factor.

You probably know that this is one of the most powerful anabolic substances in the body. Almost all the responses needed to gain muscle mass are related to its concentration. Like all AAS, Trenbolone Acetate Farmak shows a large number of positive effects. However, for athletes, the ones described above are of the greatest importance.

Now for the potential side effects. It is no secret that the risks of manifestation of negative properties also depend on the strength of any AAS. Trenbolone is one of the most powerful, making it potentially dangerous. However, by following all the recommendations for taking it, you can protect yourself. Since Trenbolone Pharmacom is characterized by progestogenic activity, there are risks of estrogenic side effects. To eliminate them, Cabergoline is actively used today.

Another most significant negative property of this AAS is the effect on the HH axis. As a result, the rate of male hormone synthesis slows down sharply. To avoid problems that can be very serious, courses lasting more than one month must use gonadotropin.

Rules for the use and dosage of PharmaTren A

Injections must be done every other day. In this case, a one-time dosage will be 75-100 milligrams. We do not recommend using the steroid for more than 8 weeks. To increase the effectiveness of the courses, Trenbolone Acetate should be combined with other AAS. Most athletes use testosterone for this.


Author: Alexander Tykhy

Expert in the application of sports pharmacology in bodybuilding. The trainer is a nutritionist.Author of articles on the use of steroids.

From the author:

I am for a reasonable and scientific approach to the use of steroids in sports.

I have 15 years of personal, practical, experience in the use of anabolic steroids.

Since 2014, my main activity has been individual consultations and the full conduct of AAS courses.

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