Selection and preparation of a course of steroids

Selection and preparation of a course of steroids




Preparation of a course of steroids, an expert in the application of sports pharmacology

Many men and women start training in the gym, "go on diets", take steroids, fat burners in the hope of gaining the cherished kilograms of muscle mass, or losing weight, removing their belly side, etc.

Unfortunately, only 1% of these people achieve results.

All because they simply lack knowledge. And to understand the subject, most are just too lazy, or there is not enough time.

Do not be among the extras!

Our specialist – a sports nutritionist, an expert in the field of sports pharmacology, with 15 years of experience working with athletes of various levels of training, is ready to put his knowledge at your disposal.

We invite you to use our services for:

  • Drawing up individual training programs: both for natural athletes and for "chemists"
  • Individual nutrition programs
  • Preparation of effective steroid courses and post-cycle therapy for any goals and budgets,

Service packages:

Individual nutrition program

Drawing up an individual nutrition program for your goals, muscle gain or fat burning.

Your gender, age, weight, lifestyle are taken into account – the compilation is based on the data of the questionnaire, which is located at the bottom of this page.

What are you getting:

  • Flexible weekly nutrition plan with a selection of calories for each meal in Excel format, taking into account Products, recommendations. Recommended Supplements. Consultations, adjustment of the nutrition program and during the course,
  • Automatically changing data in the table of energy value (when the weight of the product changes, the table will automatically recalculate the BJU)
  • The ability to add your products to the table base.

The plan is made taking into account individual body parameters: basic metabolic rate, body type, age, current weight and training process, daily activity

Guaranteed results if you follow our plan!

Lead time up to 3 days

Designing an individual training program for your goals

We will create a training plan for you according to your needs.

Taking into account your physiological characteristics, your body type, training and taking pharmacological drugs (or “natural” training)

You will receive the program in the form of a training diary in Excel format.

The diary will indicate the exercises (and links to the correct video of the correct execution of the exercises), the number of sets, the required range of repetitions in each set.

You will have to calculate the weight in the approaches yourself, according to our recommendations.

We also provide consultations within a month and answers to all your questions.

The training plan is drawn up for 3 months.

Lead time up to 3 days

Preparation of a course of steroids and PCT

(Free when ordering a course with us)
, when compiling a course based on already purchased drugs.

Individual guidance throughout the course. Selection and preparation of a course of steroids for your goals and objectives. Selection of safe drugs for the course. Drawing up a plan – a diary of taking drugs and competent PCT. Safe exit from the course and recovery with minimal loss of results. Analysis of analyzes after the course. (If necessary)

Individual advisory support on any issues related to the use of the AU throughout the course.

Author: Alexander Tykhy

Expert in the application of sports pharmacology in bodybuilding. The trainer is a nutritionist. Author of articles on the use of steroids.

From the author:

I am for a reasonable and scientific approach to the use of steroids in sports.

I have 15 years of personal, practical, experience in the use of anabolic steroids.

Since 2014, my main activity has been individual consultations and the full conduct of AAS courses.

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