Training program in the gym for men, girls, beginners – order an individual training program

Training program in the gym for men, girls, beginners – order an individual training program




Many athletes, in order to get the maximum result in gaining muscle mass, "drying" or losing weight, want to buy a training program in the gym.

But the situation on the personal training market is such that ordering an individual training program from a personal trainer, in a fitness club, is very expensive. And not every person can afford it.
Of course, anyone can open a search engine and find sites for compiling free online workout programs, or sites with ready-made workout programs. And try to create a training program for your goals.
But there is a huge "pitfall" here.

Using the services for creating training programs online, it is impossible to create a training program that would take into account your individual characteristics and wishes: Training experience (or lack of it), training goals, periodization, etc. Whether it will be training with the use of sports pharmacology, or without. Such services simply do not exist. In addition, it is impossible to create (without the use of self-learning neural networks – machine learning algorithms) a service that is able to develop a truly individual training program for free.
If such services appear in the near future, their cost will be much higher than the cost of a personal trainer. (machine learning specialists, programmers, qualified trainers – all this is very expensive)
The other side of the coin is free training programs.
You all know the popular proverb: “Free cheese is only in a mousetrap” – this is the whole point of free programs and free services for compiling them.
Another popular option for buying training programs is to order a training program from opinion leaders, fitness bloggers. Such as Voytenko … Probably, many have heard of such a blogger, or watched his videos, and possibly ordered training programs from him.
Ask yourself the question, will a person whose free time is devoted to filming commercials and other production issues, spend his time compiling individual training programs? No.
Such programs usually have "flashy" names – "Warrior of Sparta", "Street Fighter" and so on. And they have practically no value, so the same “standard” set of exercises is sold for everyone and everyone.
There is a way out of this situation: Order an individual training program on this page.

Buy a training program for self-study in the gym

Our trainer, part-time expert in the use of sports pharmacology, has been working in the fitness services market since 2014.
And he offers you his help and services in compiling truly individual training programs for any purpose. For men and women. For a set of muscle mass, strength or drying and weight loss.
When compiling a training program, the following factors are taken into account:

  • gender and age
  • training experience or lack of such experience
  • health status
  • body type and physiological characteristics
  • goal of the training program: gaining muscle mass, strength or weight loss
  • whether it will be “natural training” or training using anabolic steroids
  • placing emphasis on lagging muscle groups (if necessary)

What is a ready-made training program?

The program is provided in the form of a training diary in the form of an exel table and contains an individually selected set of exercises – a split. It can be either a 2, 3 or 5 day split. Those. the intensity of training is selected taking into account the fitness of the person.
The diary will also include:

  • The order of execution and description of the exercise + links to videos with the correct technique for performing the exercises
  • Number of sets and repetitions
  • Rest time between sets
  • Recommendations for working weights
  • Warm up and cool down tips

You will have to calculate the weight in the approaches yourself, according to our recommendations.

How much does it cost to order a training program

The price of the training program is 14 USD at the exchange rate in hryvnia. Which, you see, is inexpensive. Indeed, in the gym, one lesson with a personal trainer costs from 150 UAH or more, and “painting” a program costs even more. From 600 UAH

How long does an order for the development of a training program take?

Since we use a truly individual approach to developing an individual training program in the gym, the order is completed within 6 working days from the date of filling out the questionnaire.
Need faster?
You can buy priority in the order of execution of your program, by purchasing "urgent execution" + 30% to the cost: Complete in 48 hours.

How long is the training program?

  • beginners – 10-16 weeks, 2.5-4.5 months,
  • more experienced – 8-11 weeks, 2-3 months,
  • advanced level – 4-6 weeks, 1-1.5 months.

The price of the training program also includes 30 days of free online support via telegrams or Facebook messenger.

How to order a personal training plan?

For Ukraine: Place an order through the basket, after placing an SMS, an SMS with payment details will be sent to the specified phone number. You pay the cost of the service. After payment, you need to write to our telegram that the service is paid. After that, you will be transferred to a specialist who will ask you to fill out a questionnaire for compiling a training program and ask clarifying questions based on your answers.

After some time, depending on the workload, your order will be completed.

Author: Alexander Tykhy

Expert in the application of sports pharmacology in bodybuilding. The trainer is a nutritionist. Author of articles on the use of steroids.

From the author:

I am for a reasonable and scientific approach to the use of steroids in sports.

I have 15 years of personal, practical, experience in the use of anabolic steroids.

Since 2014, my main activity has been individual consultations and the full conduct of AAS courses.

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