Clomiphene Citrate Cygnus 20 mg/tab, 100 tab

Clomiphene Citrate Cygnus 20 mg/tab, 100 tab




Buy Clomid from Cygnus

We offer you to buy high-quality and original Clomiphene Citrate Cygnus 20 mg/tab at a good price in the Pharma UA online steroid store. The drug is protected from fakes by the presence of a verification code. Fast sending across Ukraine. Order today, before 15-00 and the goods will be delivered to you on the next business day.

Manufacturer: Cygnus Pharmaceuticals

Active ingredient: clomiphene citrate

General Information Clomiphene Citrate Signus:

Clomid is a highly demanded antiestrogen, the active substance of which is clomiphene in the form of citrate. Clomid Signus reviews indicate that it is most often used by athletes taking androgenic and anabolic steroid drugs.

The action of the drug:

Due to its antiestrogenic activity, weightlifters, bodybuilders and powerlifters have appreciated the benefits of using Clomid. The active substance has a blocking effect of estrogen on the hypothalamus, which contributes to the activation of a chain reaction:

  • increases the level of a hormone that has a stimulating effect on the testicles,
  • favors the production of gonadotropin,
  • promotes an increase in the production of testosterone by the testicles.

Based on the fact that Clomid Signus affects the pituitary gland, while provoking an increase in the production of natural testosterone, it can be considered indispensable for bodybuilders who often use anabolics. In particular, the need for the drug increases at the end of the cycle, because after the abolition of steroids, the vast majority of athletes experience a decrease in the production of natural testosterone, and, as a result, a decrease in its content in the body.

If you ignore the need to restore the normal balance of testosterone, then very unpleasant consequences may soon appear, which are expressed in a significant loss of gained muscle mass and a decrease in strength.

Among other things, it should be noted that sometimes, after the end of the course, athletes are faced with manifestations associated with an excess of estrogen in the body. At the same time, an increase in estrogen, coupled with a decrease in testosterone production, significantly increases the likelihood of developing gynecomastia.

Taking Clomid Cygnus after the cycle allows you to decisively solve this rather complicated problem. It should also be noted that the use of this antiestrogen helps prevent the accumulation of unwanted body fat.

Features of taking Clomiphene Citrate Cygnus:

Those who are planning to buy clomiphene citrate should note that this antiestrogen can only be used by men. Reception by women threatens with hormonal disturbance.

You need to start the course immediately after the end of the steroid course. Thus, athletes will protect themselves from the phenomenon of rollback – the loss of muscle mass gained over the course. Before buying Clomid, it should be noted that the effective dosage of this antiestrogen is 50-150 mg per day.

Experienced athletes recommend taking the drug not only regularly – every day, it is important to follow the regimen – drink Clomid at the same time. In this case, you need to drink the tablets with plenty of liquid. No alcoholic beverages may be consumed during the course. The recommended duration of a course of Clomid is 2-3 full weeks.

Although the size of the recommended dosage, as well as the duration of administration, can be either reduced or increased, it all depends on the type and strength of the drugs used on the steroid course.

Side effects:

Signus Clomid is a unique drug: given its beneficial properties that prevent the formation of many side effects, the drug is practically harmless. Negative effects from taking Clomid can only occur if the recommended dose has been overestimated.

In this case, there may be a headache, the so-called "veil before the eyes", nausea. However, those who listen to the recommendations and responsibly approach the preparation of the course have nothing to fear.


Author: Alexander Tykhy

Expert in the application of sports pharmacology in bodybuilding. The trainer is a nutritionist. Author of articles on the use of steroids.

From the author:

I am for a reasonable and scientific approach to the use of steroids in sports.

I have 15 years of personal, practical, experience in the use of anabolic steroids.

Since 2014, my main activity has been individual consultations and the full conduct of AAS courses.

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