Order an individual nutrition program for weight loss and drying

Order an individual nutrition program for weight loss and drying




Order a weight loss meal plan

The "mad" rhythm of modern life dictates the conditions and makes its own adjustments to the way of our life.

The majority of people do not have time or do not want to eat properly and regularly, and are gaining excess weight.

But, over time, the understanding comes that you need to do something with excess weight. The fact that there should be a lot of a good person is, of course, good. But what such a "good person" will eventually have not good health, if nothing is changed, understands every person capable of rational thinking.

Realizing this, most begin to rush to extremes, looking for a "magic" pill, in the form of "fast and hard diets", which give short-term results in weight loss, but after the diet is stopped, the weight quickly returns. Usually with an extra.

In addition to the fact that strict diets are not very effective, they also cause serious harm to health.

Other people who understand that losing weight is not so simple, and there are no quick ways, are looking for information on how to lose weight the right way, and how to make a balanced and proper nutrition plan on their own.

And here, many come to understand that they do not always have the time and desire to understand the wilds of dietology, and the principles of proper nutrition, in order to draw up a nutrition program on their own.

Therefore, ordering an individual nutrition program for weight loss seems like a good idea for many.

And since you are on this page, then look for the opportunity to order-buy a nutrition program for weight loss, and you have come to the right place.

Personal plan for weight loss "drying"

We offer you services for the preparation of individual nutrition plans for weight loss.

For whom is an individualized weight loss program suitable?

  • Men and women who do not play sports and lead a "normal" lifestyle, but want to lose weight and are ready for a thorough and disciplined approach to the process of losing weight,
  • Athletes and athletes who have a sufficient amount of "raw" muscle mass and want to "dry", reduce the percentage of visceral and subcutaneous fat

Who is not suitable for a personal nutrition program?

  • those who rely on quick result, and wants to lose weight “in a week or two”, go other inappropriate terms
  • those who not ready to change eating habits and discipline yourself, follow all the instructions and recommendations of our nutritionist
  • for those who are not ready spend 1-2 hours a day cooking all day
  • those who have very limited budget for the purchase of high-quality sources of protein (meat, fish, etc.) – the cost of which is now not small.

What is a personalized weight loss nutrition program?

A personalized weight loss meal plan from our nutritionist is a weekly meal plan. It is compiled in the form of a diary, and is based on the principles of fractional and proper nutrition. Detailed recommendations are included with the meal plan.

The meal plan is not a list of ready meals. It is not possible to accurately calculate the calorie content of a finished dish if you do not cook it yourself and do not count everything to the gram.

A meal plan is a personalized and varied grocery list for every day and every meal, with the exact amount of food (up to 1 gram) that you should prepare and eat on a particular day.(It is best to cook for the whole day at once).

How you cook them will depend on your personal preferences. It is important to comply with the specified number of products.

When developing a nutrition plan, consider:

  • Gender, age, weight
  • Basic and additional physical activity – energy expenditure during the day (training intensity or lack thereof)
  • Lifestyle and daily routine
  • Food preferences and restrictions (if any)
  • Food budget (optional)
  • In what form is the meal plan available after it has been scheduled?

  • You can get a ready-made meal plan in Excel spreadsheet format.
  • In addition to the diet for each day of the week, the spreadsheet contains a database of the most popular foods. With the ability to add your own recipes or products to the database, change your diet, if you wish.

    The table is designed to be fully interactive. The data is automatically recalculated when the energy value changes or the product changes (when the weight of the product changes, the table will automatically recalculate the BJU), and so on.

  • You can get a ready-made meal plan in the form of an account of one of the calorie counting services. And use it using the google or ANDROID applications.
  • We create an account for you on one of the services for calculating the caloric content of the diet. We make a diet and give you access. You are using.

  • In PDF format for printing (and stick for example on the refrigerator)
  • How to order a diet plan for weight loss

    Services for the preparation of personal meal plans are available both for Ukraine and for residents of the Russian Federation. Cost 14 USD At the exchange rate in hryvnias or rubles.

    How is the purchase going?

    For residents of Ukraine, the purchase is available through the shopping cart.You place an order as for a product, pay for services using the details that come in SMS. Next, we will contact you and ask you to fill out a detailed questionnaire.

    After filling out the questionnaire, the order is processed within 6 working days.

    Residents of the Russian Federation, you need to write to one instant messenger or online chat. In a conversation with the manager, you will receive data for paying for your order from the territory of the Russian Federation. After we receive payment, you also fill out a questionnaire. Terms of the service 6 working days.


    Author: Alexander Tykhy

    Expert in the application of sports pharmacology in bodybuilding. The trainer is a nutritionist. Author of articles on the use of steroids.

    From the author:

    I am for a reasonable and scientific approach to the use of steroids in sports.

    I have 15 years of personal, practical, experience in the use of anabolic steroids.

    Since 2014, my main activity has been individual consultations and the full conduct of AAS courses.

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