Oxandrolone Cygnus 10 mg/tab, 100 tab, (Oxandrolone Cygnus)

Oxandrolone Cygnus 10 mg/tab, 100 tab, (Oxandrolone Cygnus)




Buy Oxandrolone from Cygnus

We offer you to buy high-quality and original Oxandrolone Cygnus 10 mg/tab at a good price in the online store of steroids Pharma UA. The drug is protected from fakes by the presence of a verification code. Fast sending across Ukraine. Order today, before 15-00 and the goods will be delivered to you on the next business day.

You can read the full description of the active ingredient, find out prices and buy oxandrolone from other manufacturers by going to the category "oxandrolone"

Oxandrolone is a tablet preparation for oral use with the active substance oxandrolone. The tool has pronounced anabolic properties (400%) and low androgenic activity (25%). The steroid is quickly excreted from the human body, and its half-life lasts from 8 to 12 hours. Athletes use the drug for drying, building mass and increasing strength.


You can buy Oxandrolone Signus in Ukraine by visiting our website. Sending the goods is carried out as soon as possible to the address specified by the buyer.

Description of Oxandrolone Cygnus:

The tool appeared on the market in 1964 and was called "Anavar", initially the drug was used to treat AIDS, muscle dystrophy and anemia. Later, it began to be actively used in sports.

Right now in Kyiv you can buy Oxandrolone Cygnus by visiting our online store, all the goods presented by us have a quality certificate, which protects the buyer from fakes.

The use of Oxandrolone leads to a rapid growth of muscle tissue, while not retaining fluid in the body and without causing aromatization.The drug has an antibacterial effect on the athlete's body, burns excess subcutaneous fat well, forms a beautiful muscle relief, giving them elasticity. In addition, it increases the body's endurance to heavy loads, strengthens bones and improves performance.

The drug is one of the safest steroids on the market today, it can be used by women and men. The drug does not cause progestin and estrogenic side effects. With the correct dosage, men do not experience a decrease in the production of their own testosterone. However, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, before using the drug, it is recommended to undergo an examination and consultation with a doctor.

Today, the price of Cygnus Oxandrolone for 100 tablets averages 1000-1100 hryvnias.

Dosage of Oxandrolone Signus:

Since the drug has practically no harmful effects on the human body, the duration of the course of Oxandrolone lasts on average from 6 to 8 weeks and can be adjusted depending on the desired result and the health of the athlete.

The drug can be combined with other drugs:

  • Boldenone.
  • Methenolone.
  • Nandrolone.
  • Testosterone.
  • Stanozolol.
  • Trenbolone.

Combined courses are suitable for athletes with any experience of taking steroids. For women, in order to achieve the effect of losing weight, the drug is combined with the drug Methenolone enanthate, for novice athletes, a combination of Oxandrolone with Boldenone or Metelon enanthate is suitable, but for experienced athletes it is better to combine the drug with Trenbolone or Drostanolone.

How to take Oxandrolone will tell a personal trainer.The most effective dosage is from 20 to 80 milligrams per day, which is adjusted depending on the tasks and health of the athlete.

Adverse reactions of oxandrolone Signus:

Usually the drug does not cause adverse reactions, but in case of an overdose, the following may occur:

  • headaches,
  • loss of appetite,
  • fatigue,
  • redness on the skin,
  • allergic reactions,
  • nausea,
  • vomit.

If you experience discomfort after taking the remedy, you should reduce the dosage or completely refuse to take it. It is also not recommended to take Oxandrolone for pregnant and breastfeeding women, people who have an individual intolerance to the steroid, as well as those who have problems with the heart, liver and kidneys.


Frequently asked questions about Cygnus Oxandrolone Where is the best price for Oxandrolone (Cygnus)?

In our steroid store you can buy Oxandrolone produced by Cygnus for 17 USD. All prices are presented at the current exchange rate in UAH.

Where to buy original Oxandrolone (Cygnus) in Ukraine?

You can buy the original Oxandrolone Signus in our Pharma SA store. We sell only original drugs from trusted manufacturers, which can be checked for authenticity using a special code on the manufacturers' websites.

Is it possible to buy Oxandrolone (Signus) cash on delivery / without prepayment

Yes, you can place an order for Oxandrolone Cygnus cash on delivery with payment on delivery. But we will ask you to make an advance payment of 200 UAH as a guarantee that you will pick up your order.

How to order Oxandrolone (Cygnus) with delivery in Ukraine?

You can place an order for Oxandrolone Signus, with delivery in Ukraine, to any city where there are branches of Nova Poshta. When placing an order, in the shopping cart, in the city field, start typing the first letters of your locality and the system will automatically substitute the city, select the number of the NP branch, and click place an order. Finished, the order went to work.

Author: Alexander Tykhy

Expert in the application of sports pharmacology in bodybuilding. The trainer is a nutritionist. Author of articles on the use of steroids.

From the author:

I am for a reasonable and scientific approach to the use of steroids in sports.

I have 15 years of personal, practical, experience in the use of anabolic steroids.

Since 2014, my main activity has been individual consultations and the full conduct of AAS courses.

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