Oxandrolone solo course for drying and relief

Oxandrolone solo course for drying and relief



We offer you to buy a ready-made course of oxandrolone solo at a 6% discount from the base cost of drugs.

The cost of the finished course also includes drugs for PCT and a detailed dosage regimen.

Who should buy a ready-made course of oxandrolone solo?

The course of oxandrolone solo is considered to be a course for beginners.

The finished course of oxandrolone solo is intended for men:

  • who are planning to take a course of steroids for the first time, and want to take the course as safely as possible, without the risk of getting side effects
  • athletes who want to burn excess body fat (dry and get relief), subject to a moderate body fat content
  • athletes who want to increase athletic performance (increase strength, endurance and muscle quality), but at the same time they do not need a large increase in muscle mass

How to take oxandrolone solo: Composition of the course and regimen

You can download a detailed course diagram of oxandrolone solo, broken down by days, by following the link: Download the course diagram of oxandrolone solo

The course includes one (solo) drug – tableted oxandrolone at a dosage of 10 mg per tablet.

Total: 200 oxandrolone tablets, and 25 clomid tablets (per PCT)

The daily dose of oxandrolone (40 mg) is usually divided into two parts. One part (20 mg) is taken in the morning, the second in the afternoon, after 5-6 hours.

The regimen and dosage of oxandrolone does not change for 7 weeks.

2 days after taking the last pill, PCT with Clomid begins.

Clomid dosage: 50 mg per day, in the morning, for 15 days.

In the next 10 days, 25 mg are taken (half a tablet).

This PCT should be considered complete.

Effects of using oxandrolone solo

Depending on the diet (for weight gain or weight loss)

  • a set of 2-3 kg of muscle mass per course (mass-gaining cycle)
  • burning subcutaneous fat is the main effect of oxandrolone. The amount is individual, and depends on the diet (drying cycle)
  • a significant increase in strength indicators
  • increased relief and stiffness of muscles
  • increase in growth hormone levels

Side effects of the oxandrolone solo cycle

The course of oxandrolone solo is the safest among the AAS tablet courses. Oxandrolone is famous for the absence of side effects, it does not aromatize (does not cause fluid accumulation, gynecomastia). Androgenic activity is minimal. The load on the liver during the course is minimal, and does not require additional medication to protect it.

It is for these reasons that this course is chosen by many beginners who are planning their first steroid cycle, but are afraid of the side effects that can occur when taking stronger drugs.

Suppression of the production of own testosterone from the drug: moderate. But it is, and it should be taken into account and be sure to conduct PCT.

There is an opinion that PCT is not required after a course of oxandrolone solo, but this is not so. That is why, in order to quickly restore the production of testosterone by the body, to the levels that were before the course, and minimize the rollback (loss of muscle mass and strength after the course), we include Clomid in this course.

When buying a ready-made course of oxandrolone solo in the Pharma UA online store, you can count on free information support during the course. (Our consultant is always in touch online from 7 to 20-00 in Kyiv)

We also offer training and nutrition programs.Using our experience and knowledge, you will definitely, in a short time, achieve the goals that you set for yourself by choosing a ready-made course of oxandrolone solo.

Author: Alexander Tykhy

Expert in the application of sports pharmacology in bodybuilding. The trainer is a nutritionist. Author of articles on the use of steroids.

From the author:

I am for a reasonable and scientific approach to the use of steroids in sports.

I have 15 years of personal, practical, experience in the use of anabolic steroids.

Since 2014, my main activity has been individual consultations and the full conduct of AAS courses.

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