Pharmacom labs , 10 ml (vial), (3 Tren 200 Mix Pharmacom)

Pharmacom labs , 10 ml (vial), (3 Tren 200 Mix Pharmacom)




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Pharma3-Tren (Pharma3-Tren) 200

Pharma 3-Tren is a mix of Trenbolone esters, and the drug is produced by the well-known Moldovan company Farmakom Labs. This steroid is characterized by high rates of anabolic and androgenic activity. Among the popular AAS, Trenbolone Mix Farmakom is the most powerful steroid. Thanks to the combination of esters with different half-lives, it quickly begins to work and affects the body for about two weeks. At the same time, athletes are guaranteed not to encounter hormonal pits.

Properties and effects of Pharma3-Tren

Pharma 3-Tren 200 is based on all three Trenbolone esters currently available. The drug first appeared on the market in 2004, when it was developed by British Dragon scientists. However, today its analogues are produced by almost all leading manufacturers of drugs for athletes. The anabolic considered today is very popular and many pro-athletes want to buy Pharma Tren 3. Amateurs use it somewhat less frequently, since the risks of developing side effects directly depend on the strength of the steroid.

Among the positive properties of the drug should be noted:

  • Extremely fast set of muscle mass.

  • Increase in physical parameters.

  • Acceleration of the synthesis of insulin-like growth factor.

  • If an appropriate nutrition program is followed, a drying effect is observed.

  • It has strong anti-catabolic properties.

We have already mentioned the possibility of developing side effects. This issue is worth taking time, as safety for bodybuilding enthusiasts should come first. Although Pharma 3 Tren does not aromatize, there are risks of estrogenic side effects. The fact is that all Trenbolones have progestogenic properties. To suppress this type of activity, Cabergoline should be introduced into the course. Androgenic side effects are also likely, because the corresponding anabolic index is twice as high as the male hormone.

Rules for the use and dosage of Pharma3-Tren

Even solo Tritren Farmakom Labs is able to show his best side. You can put the steroid once or twice a week. In this case, the recommended dosage for this time period is 200-400 milligrams. The duration of the courses should be limited to a maximum of 8 weeks. It should also be remembered that when using a steroid for more than a month, Gonadotropin should be introduced into the cycle.

Combined courses with the participation of this steroid are the most effective, which can be said about any sports pharmacology. Among the most popular combinations, Sustanon or other drugs based on the male hormone should be noted. The Trenbolone mix is ​​given weekly at 300 milligrams. Every seventh day, Sustanon should be administered in an amount of 500 milligrams. To eliminate the negative effects of farming, you will also have to use Proviron and Cabergoline.It should also be recalled that during the period of PCT after Trenbolone courses, Tamoxifen cannot be used.


Author: Alexander Tykhy

Expert in the application of sports pharmacology in bodybuilding. The trainer is a nutritionist. Author of articles on the use of steroids.

From the author:

I am for a reasonable and scientific approach to the use of steroids in sports.

I have 15 years of personal, practical, experience in the use of anabolic steroids.

Since 2014, my main activity has been individual consultations and the full conduct of AAS courses.

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