Pharmacom labs , , (Prim 100 Primobolan Pharmacom)

Pharmacom labs , , (Prim 100 Primobolan Pharmacom)




Buy Primobolan (Primobolan depot) from Pharmacom labs

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PharmaPrim 100 is produced by Pharmacom Labs, well known to all domestic builders. The steroid is based on Methenolone Enanthate. This is a long ester, characterized by a high degree of safety for the body.

Properties and effects of PharmaPrim

Created by German pharmacists in the last century, Primobolan Farmak is a huge success today. Among the features of the substance, it should be noted the lack of a tendency to aromatization, as well as moderate anabolic activity. However, the latter fact does not indicate the low effectiveness of the steroid. If you use it according to all the recommendations, the results will be excellent. It is recommended to buy the drug during the drying period.

It is here that he is able to show all his best qualities. In addition, the course will experience an increase in strength and muscle mass, the quality of which can be described as good. On our own, we add that the price of an anabolic drug from Farmakom Labs attracts with its availability. Among the large number of positive properties of the steroid, one can also note the improvement in muscle relief. This fact confirms the effectiveness of the steroid during the drying period.

But the negative effects on the course are practically not manifested.The only exceptions are high doses, in the use of which there is no point. Each athlete must remember that increasing dosages does not at all guarantee an increase in the effectiveness of the course. But the risks of developing side effects increase significantly. Among all AAS that exist today, Primobolan is one of the safest.

Rules for the use and dosage of PharmaPrim

Let's start talking about the rules for using anabolic with the fact that it suits athletes. For women, it is enough to use from 50 to 100 milligrams of the drug for a week to get an excellent result with minimal health risks. For men, the recommended dosages for this time period will be higher – from 200 to 400 milligrams. In such quantities, FarmaPrim 100 will allow you to achieve your goals and at the same time not worry about side effects.

To get the maximum result, there is no need to use high dosages. To solve this problem, it is more expedient to carry out combined cycles. Primobolan is great for this. Choosing the most effective ligaments for your body, you can not limit yourself in anything. Primobolan will work well with any AAS. If you use it together, say with Testosterone Propionate or Winstrol, you can have an excellent drying course. By adding Primobolan to strong mass-gathering AAS, you can improve the quality of the results.


Author: Alexander Tykhy

Expert in the application of sports pharmacology in bodybuilding. The trainer is a nutritionist. Author of articles on the use of steroids.

From the author:

I am for a reasonable and scientific approach to the use of steroids in sports.

I have 15 years of personal, practical, experience in the use of anabolic steroids.

Since 2014, my main activity has been individual consultations and the full conduct of AAS courses.

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