Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical , , (Oxandrolone ZPHC Oxandrolone ZPHC)

Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical , , (Oxandrolone ZPHC Oxandrolone ZPHC)




Buy Oxandrolone from Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical

We offer you to buy high-quality and original Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical at a good price in the online store of steroids Pharma UA. The drug is protected from fakes by the presence of a verification code. Fast sending across Ukraine. Order today, before 15-00 and the goods will be delivered to you on the next business day.

Oxandrolone, you can buy drugs from other manufacturers and get acquainted with the prices by going to the category "Oxandrolone"

The drug zphc Oxandrolone can be bought relatively recently on specialized Ukrainian Internet resources. This steroid with ring A in the form of a heterocycle with a second carbon atom substituted by oxygen has an anabolic index four times higher than testosterone, and androgenic activity is as much lower. This combination has turned the drug into one of the safest among anabolic steroids, the use of which is not excluded either for beginner athletes of a young age or for women.

Oxandrolone is also valued for some characteristic properties:

  • the highest ability to immunostimulation,
  • influence on the growth of tissue sensitivity to the action of insulin,
  • lack of antiestrogen activity, characteristic of other modifications of dihydrotestosterone.

The effect of taking the drug lasts up to a day, but traces of its presence in the body are found by means of doping testing for two months.

What positive effect does oxandrolone have on the body

The drug Oxandrolone, released in China, is worth buying in Ukraine as a relatively inexpensive and highly safe anabolic agent.Even with short-term use:

  • there is a noticeable increase in physical strength while maintaining body weight,
  • there is no accumulation of fluid, but with a short delay, the muscles retain their elasticity and external attractiveness. In addition, the joints do not suffer,
  • the volume of body fat is reduced, and the renewal of the fat layer practically does not occur for quite a long time. At least an experiment conducted with a group of older men who were not involved in training showed that in the year that has passed since the course of oxandrolone, the fat layer has resumed slightly,
  • there is a decrease in appetite.

Thus, taking oxandrolone, it is possible to reduce fat accumulation, and by slightly increasing the muscles, give it an impressive relief.

How to take oxandrolone to undergo post-cycle therapy

If you are going to take a solo course of zphc oxandrolone, the duration of admission is set at six to eight weeks. During the first week, the dose of 20 mg is divided into two doses: morning and afternoon. From the second week, the dosage of Oxandrolone (China) rises to 40 mg, and for experienced athletes – up to 80 mg, divided into three doses. Post-cycle therapy begins two days after the end of the course and provides for a daily intake of 10 mg of tamoxifen. Post cycle therapy lasts one to two weeks, which is enough to restore the normal level of natural testosterone production.

Women take oxandrolone, adhering to a daily dosage of 10 mg to 30 mg and breaking it into several doses. Under such conditions, any manifestations of virilization are completely excluded.

The drug is also recommended for novice athletes who should not yet expose the body to the action of powerful anabolic steroids, which can lead to serious side effects. Taking oxandrolone allows you to spend a certain retracting, adaptive period, to prepare the body for a more serious effect of anabolic steroids.

Athletes who want to combine improved muscle relief with muscle building resort to combining oxandrolone with highly androgenic anabolic steroids. At the same time, the dosage of oxandrolone is not raised above 40 mg per day, reinforcing the effect of AAS by following a special diet and using sports nutrition. Popular combinations with:

  • primobolan,
  • sustanon,
  • esters of testosterone.

What are the negative manifestations of taking Oxandrolone you need to be prepared for

Working with one of the safest anabolic steroids, we must not forget that the possibility of unwanted side effects of the drug is not excluded. Reception may cause:

  • disorders in the liver, manifested by pain in the right hypochondrium, dark urine and light stools,
  • diarrhea, as irritation of the mucous membrane occurs. This effect can be prevented by taking the drug not on an empty stomach, but during meals or after meals. However, some athletes with experience believe that bowel cleansing will only benefit the body.

Even less often, you may encounter such negative consequences of taking oxandrolone, such as:

  • loss of appetite
  • headaches,
  • rising blood pressure,
  • nausea.

Athletes have to deal with all these violations extremely rarely, which confirms the reputation of the drug as safe.


Frequently Asked Questions about ZPHC Oxandrolone Where is the best price for Oxandrolone (ZPHC)?

In our steroid store you can buy Oxandrolone produced by ZPHC for 36 USD. All prices are presented at the current exchange rate in UAH.

Where to buy original Oxandrolone (ZPHC) in Ukraine?

You can buy the original ZPHC oxandrolone from us at the Pharma SA store. We sell only original drugs from trusted manufacturers, which can be checked for authenticity using a special code on the manufacturers' websites.

Is it possible to buy oxandrolone (ZPHC) cash on delivery / without prepayment

Yes, you can place an order for Oxandrolone ZPHC cash on delivery with payment on delivery. But we will ask you to make an advance payment of 200 UAH as a guarantee that you will pick up your order.

How to order Oxandrolone (ZPHC) with delivery in Ukraine?

You can place an order for oxandrolone ZPHC, with delivery in Ukraine, to any city where there are branches of Nova Poshta. When placing an order, in the shopping cart, in the city field, start typing the first letters of your locality and the system will automatically substitute the city, select the number of the NP branch, and click place an order. Finished, the order went to work.

Author: Alexander Tykhy

Expert in the application of sports pharmacology in bodybuilding. The trainer is a nutritionist. Author of articles on the use of steroids.

From the author:

I am for a reasonable and scientific approach to the use of steroids in sports.

I have 15 years of personal, practical, experience in the use of anabolic steroids.

Since 2014, my main activity has been individual consultations and the full conduct of AAS courses.

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