Oral Turinabol Cygnus 10 mg/tab, 100 tab

Oral Turinabol Cygnus 10 mg/tab, 100 tab




Buy Turinabol from Cygnus

We offer you to buy high-quality and original Oral Turinabol Cygnus 10 mg/tab at a good price in the online store of steroids Pharma UA. The drug is protected from fakes by the presence of a verification code. Fast sending across Ukraine. Order today, before 15-00 and the goods will be delivered to you on the next business day.

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Oral Turinabol, produced by the Bulgarian company Cygnus, has recently been available on specialized Internet resources in Ukraine. The use of dihydrochloromethyl testosterone as an active ingredient distinguishes the drug from methandrostenolone, which is close to it. The difference lies in the addition of the fourth carbon atom to a chlorine atom, resulting in no fluid retention. Turinabol, which is a cross between methandrostenolone and oxandrolone, combines anabolic activity, which is 1.8 times higher than testosterone, and androgenic, which is twice as inferior to it.


With a duration of action of about 16 hours, Turinabol Bulgarian, the price of which is quite moderate, is monitored by modern doping testing tools for 250 days after the last use. Negative consequences due to the use of turinabol occur so rarely that both novice athletes and women take it.

What is achieved by taking oral turinabol

The action of the drug is delayed, in the course of the course, changes occur gradually. But the results achieved are fixed quite firmly and for a long time.The main positive effects include:

  • high quality of the obtained muscle mass, dry and firm. At the same time, the very magnitude of the increase, reaching an average of one kilogram per week, is considered to be moderate,
  • increase in indicators of physical strength and endurance,
  • decrease in SHBG concentration. This property is used to combine turinabol with more powerful anabolic steroids to make their action more complete.
  • increased protection of the cardiovascular system from the risk of thrombosis,
  • exclusion of the possibility of estrogenic reactions.

One of the areas of use of the drug is its use in order to maintain the results achieved between courses of anabolic steroids.

How to take Bulgarian Turinabol

The oral drug is usually taken for six to eight weeks. Beginning athletes set the dosage at the level of 20-40 mg per day in two doses, which is considered to be quite safe and does not cause harmful effects. Women take half the dose.

Athletes who turn to Turinabol to increase endurance take a daily dose of no more than 10-20 mg for a six-week course.

Experienced athletes can increase the daily dosage to 100-150 mg.

Post-cycle therapy is carried out with Tamoxifen. The course itself, as a rule, is not accompanied by the use of gonadotropin. With a course duration of up to six weeks and low dosages, post-cycle therapy may not be carried out, since the resumption of the level of natural testosterone production occurs quite quickly.

Despite the quite satisfactory effectiveness that Chinese Turinabol shows, buy it for a solo course. Although the drug is more in demand during combined courses.The most popular combined course aimed at building quality muscles is this:

  • daily 20 mg Turinabol (for seven weeks),
  • weekly 250 mg of testosterone enanthate (injections stop a week earlier).

Combinations of Turinabol with:

  • decanoatomnandrolone (Primobolan),
  • testosterone propionate.

Combined courses, which involve Bulgarian Turinabol, receive good reviews due to their high safety and effectiveness.

Side effects when taking oral turinabol

In 17-alpha-alkylated steroids, which include Turinabol, the active substance is not destroyed when passing through the liver. Thus, oral administration is associated with hepatotoxicity. In fact, this side negative manifestation is the only one that is fixed in compliance with the instructions that accompany the intake of turinabol.

Neglect of one's own health, expressed in ignoring the recommendations regarding the duration of the course and dosages, can lead to a noticeable drop in the level of natural testosterone production by the body, frequent cases of premature ejaculation and the development of erectile dysfunction. But even with significant violations of the turinabol course, significant side effects are surprisingly rare.


Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone (Oral Turinabol) – Frequently Asked Questions Where is the best price for Chlordehydromethyltestosterone (Oral Turinabol)?

In our steroid store you can buy turinabol from Cygnus Pharmaceuticals for 10.4 USD. All prices are presented at the current exchange rate in UAH.

Where to buy original Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone (Signus) in Ukraine?

You can buy the original Cygnus Turinabol from us at Pharma SA. We sell only original drugs from trusted manufacturers, which can be checked for authenticity using a special code on the manufacturers' websites.

Is it possible to buy Turinabol (Cygnus) cash on delivery / without prepayment

Yes, you can place an order for Turinabol Signus cash on delivery with payment on delivery. But we will ask you to make an advance payment of 200 UAH as a guarantee that you will pick up your order.

How to order Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone (Cygnus) with delivery in Ukraine?

You can place an order for Cygnus turinabol, with delivery in Ukraine, to any city where there are branches of Nova Poshta. When placing an order, in the shopping cart, in the city field, start typing the first letters of your locality and the system will automatically substitute the city, select the number of the NP branch, and click place an order. Finished, the order went to work.

Author: Alexander Tykhy

Expert in the application of sports pharmacology in bodybuilding. The trainer is a nutritionist. Author of articles on the use of steroids.

From the author:

I am for a reasonable and scientific approach to the use of steroids in sports.

I have 15 years of personal, practical, experience in the use of anabolic steroids.

Since 2014, my main activity has been individual consultations and the full conduct of AAS courses.

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